『English News Edition, 30 June 2017 – Ora News』は、2017-06-30 16:28:02に、Youtubeで公開された「字幕付き動画ニュース」です。
☆タイトル:English News Edition, 30 June 2017 – Ora News
☆投稿者:Ora News Emisione
☆公開日:2017-06-30 16:28:02
1-President, the special session for the new president’s oath on July 24
2-Catastrophic to DP, Topalli asks Lulzim Basha to withdraw from race for DP chairman
3-CEC’s warning, CEC calls on vote counting centers to deliver the results
4-No fines for the media, CEC approves the report of monitoring board for the campaign
5-Exit Poll, a successful tradition created by IPR Marketing and Ora News
6-Economic growth, INSTAT: Economic growth reached 3.84% in first quarter