字幕付き動画ニュース-Is Russia at risk of a ‘brain drain’? BBC News

『Is Russia at risk of a ‘brain drain’? BBC News』は、2015-06-04 19:25:16に、Youtubeで公開された「字幕付き動画ニュース」です。


☆タイトル:Is Russia at risk of a ‘brain drain’? BBC News

☆投稿者:BBC News

☆公開日:2015-06-04 19:25:16


With tensions over Ukraine rising, and western sanctions beginning to bite, some of Russia’s educated middle-class are opting to move abroad. In 2013, the number of people leaving Russia jumped up by 40%. Those leaving include economists, scientists, journalists and IT specialists. It is being described as a brain-drain.
Caroline Wyatt reports from Moscow.

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