Jアラート着信音が鳴り…北海道で一時騒然|ニュース 動画 News24h

ニュースさんが、2017-08-29 05:08:02に公開した『Jアラート着信音が鳴り…北海道で一時騒然|ニュース 動画 News24h』は、動画ニュースnetがYoutubeから厳選して紹介している動画ニュースです。


☆タイトル:Jアラート着信音が鳴り…北海道で一時騒然|ニュース 動画 News24h


☆公開日:2017-08-29 05:08:02



J alert ringing … ringing noise in Hokkaido




North Korea launched a missile before 6 AM morning. Even in Hokkaido where ballistic missiles passed over the sky, I was forced to respond.

Hakodate wholesale market was past 6:00 am, the sound to tell me that J alert arrived on cell phone rang. At the time, competition was taking place in the hall and it became turbulent at once.

Meanwhile, the Hokkaido Government ‘s Crisis Response Division was forced to collect the damage situation of each municipal town. This time of the missile, but there is a possibility that has passed through the two cities and 5 towns of southern Hokkaido, after 1 hour and 20 minutes from J alert announcement, it was confirmed that there is no damage.

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