今日が変わり目と言われるよう~前原新代表|ニュース 動画 News24h

NipponTelevisionNews24hさんが、2017-09-02 00:14:03に公開した『今日が変わり目と言われるよう~前原新代表|ニュース 動画 News24h』は、動画ニュースnetがYoutubeから厳選して紹介している動画ニュースです。


☆タイトル:今日が変わり目と言われるよう~前原新代表|ニュース 動画 News24h


☆公開日:2017-09-02 00:14:03



Today is said to be the turning point – Maehara new representative




Democratic Party’s election was held and former foreign minister Seiji Maehara was elected as a new representative.

Democratic Party · Maehara New representative “Later, I did not expect the Democratic Progressive Party at that time, but as you will be told later that this day is the turn of the new politics today, everyone, do not try hard. ”

Mr. Maehara won about 60% of the whole, including Diet members, party members and supporter votes, and was elected a new delegate. In the meantime, it is the immediate focus whether the new delegate can establish a legislative posture with executive department personnel affairs etc. as a result of successive parties.

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