日産、無資格者が検査 約6万台の販売停止|動画ニュース News24h

NipponTelevisionNews24hさんが、2017-09-30 04:49:02に公開した『日産、無資格者が検査 約6万台の販売停止|動画ニュース News24h』は、動画ニュースnetがYoutubeから厳選して紹介している動画ニュースです。


☆タイトル:日産、無資格者が検査 約6万台の販売停止|動画ニュース News24h


☆公開日:2017-09-30 04:49:02



Nissan, unqualified person stopped selling about 60 thousand inspections








Nissan Motor revealed that no-qualified inspectors had suspended sales of about 60,000 units, assuming that they were inspecting completed automobiles.

Nissan Motor ‘s Interview “We are sorry and deeply apologize for any inconvenience and concern to our customers and stakeholders this time”

Nissan opened a press conference on the evening of 29th and unlicensed inspectors who are not certified internally are involved in the inspection of safety etc. of completed vehicles at all factories producing domestic sales vehicles It was made clear.

The target model includes 21 car models, such as notes, cubes, leaves, and paramectic used as an ambulance.

Nissan stopped selling about 60 thousand vehicles that were not on sale, but there is a possibility that some cars already sold also have been inspected by unqualified persons, and the number of vehicles in question is The prospect of further expansion.

Meanwhile, Koichi Ishii said, “It is an act of shaking the foundation of the system, extremely regrettable.”

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport is to ask Nissan Motor to report on when unqualified persons have been inspecting.

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