Ertex Luxury Car Design Mercedes V Class Limousine (2018) terrace news TV

TERRACE NEWS TVさんが、2018-09-04 20:14:58に公開した『Ertex Luxury Car Design Mercedes V Class Limousine (2018) terrace news TV』は、動画ニュースnetがYoutubeから厳選して紹介している動画ニュースです。


☆タイトル:Ertex Luxury Car Design Mercedes V Class Limousine (2018) terrace news TV


☆公開日:2018-09-04 20:14:58



tactile poetry…
Normally the automotive sector gives our interest to the driver and tells an ergonomics concept focused entirely around the driver’s seat. However, having unlimited possibilities in the VIP compartment by moving away from the steering wheel offers a cruise experience that you never give up.