『Germany expedites delivery of air defense systems to Ukraine after Russian missile strikes | DW News』は、2022-10-11 10:35:05に、Youtubeで公開された「字幕付き動画ニュース」です。
☆タイトル:Germany expedites delivery of air defense systems to Ukraine after Russian missile strikes | DW News
☆投稿者:DW News
☆公開日:2022-10-11 10:35:05
Germany is set to deliver the first of four high-tech air defense systems within “days.” German Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht said Russian missile attacks on Ukrainian population centers highlighted the urgency of delivering air defense systems to Kyiv’s forces.
The long-promised systems, which are capable of protecting an entire city, were originally slated to be delivered at the end of the year. Monday’s deadly strikes, however, have now sped up the delivery timeline.
The IRIS-T SLM can defend from approaching missiles at an altitude of up to 20 kilometers (12 miles) and a distance up to 40 kilometers.
#Ukraine #Germany #Weapons
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