『Gibraltar: UK ‘losing cool’ says Spanish minister – BBC News』は、2017-04-03 11:35:47に、Youtubeで公開された「字幕付き動画ニュース」です。
☆タイトル:Gibraltar: UK ‘losing cool’ says Spanish minister – BBC News
☆投稿者:BBC News
☆公開日:2017-04-03 11:35:47
Spanish foreign minister Alfonso Dastis has said his government had been “surprised by the tone of comments coming out of Britain” about Gibraltar. He told a Madrid conference: “It seems someone is losing their cool.” On Sunday ex-Conservative leader Lord Howard said the UK would be willing to defend Gibraltar in the same way it defended the Falklands 35 years ago. And Gibraltar’s chief minister Fabian Picardo said: “Gibraltar is not a bargaining chip in these negotiations.” “Gibraltar belongs to the Gibraltarians and we want to stay British.”
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