『Spanish ► Archeologists Uncover Prehistoric ‘Crystal Weapons’』は、2017-07-02 10:30:01に、Youtubeで公開された「字幕付き動画ニュース」です。
☆タイトル:Spanish ► Archeologists Uncover Prehistoric ‘Crystal Weapons’
☆投稿者:Wiki Tube
☆公開日:2017-07-02 10:30:01
Spanish archeologists have uncovered a set of prehistoric ‘crystal weapons’ found in the megalithic tombs of southwestern Spain.
A set of crystal arrowheads and dagger blades were found at the site of Valencina de la Concepcion, dating back to the 3rd millenium BCE.
Scott.net reports:
The Montelirio tholos, excavated between 2007 and 2010, is “a great megalithic construction…which extends over 43.75 m in total”, constructed out of large slabs of slate. At least 25 individuals were interred within the structure , along with “an extraordinary set of sumptuous grave goods…the most notable of which is an unspecified number of shrouds or clothes made of tens of thousands of perforated beads and decorated with amber beads”. Additionally however, a large number of crystal arrowheads were found together, which be suggestive of a ritual offering at an altar. The arrowheads have the characteristic long lateral appendices of flint arrowheads from the area – but investigators remarked that “even greater skill must have been required to produce these unique features when using rock crystal.”
Dagger blade from Structure 10.049 (PP4-Montelirio sector).
Dagger blade from Structure 10.049 (PP4-Montelirio sector).
Structure 10.042-10.049 is another large two-chambered megalithic construction made from slate slabs. In the second chamber archaeologists found the body of a young male aged between 17 and 25 lying in the foetal position along with a large set of grave goods. These included an undecorated elephant tusk laid above the young man’s head, a set of 23 flint blades, and numerous ivory objects. Additionally, red pigment made from cinnabar had been sprayed over the body and the objects surrounding it. The “remarkable crystal dagger blade”, however, was not found with these grave goods, but instead in the upper level of this chamber.
The rock crystal dagger blade appeared in the upper level of Structure 10.049 of the PP4-Montelirio sector, in association with an ivory hilt and sheath, which renders it an exceptional object in Late Prehistoric Europe… The blade is 214 mm in length, a maximum of 59 mm in width and 13 mm thick. Its morphology is not unheard of in the Iberian Peninsula, although all the samples recorded thus far were made from flint and not rock crystal…
The manufacture of the rock crystal dagger blade must have been based on an accumulation of transmitted empirical knowledge and skill taken from the production of flint dagger blades as well from know-how of rock-crystal smaller foliaceous bifacial objects, such as Ontiveros and Montelirio arrowheads… It was obtained from a large monocrystal at least 220 mm in length and 60 mm in width. Given that these single crystals are hexagonal, they would have a similar width along all their different axes.
The rock crystal source used in creating the crystal weaponry has not been pinpointed exactly at this stage, though analysis suggests two potential sources, “both located several hundred km away from Valencina”.
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