字幕付き動画ニュース-新田真剣佑、コミュニケーションは英語のみ|ニュース 動画 News24h

『新田真剣佑、コミュニケーションは英語のみ|ニュース 動画 News24h』は、2017-09-18 10:50:34に、Youtubeで公開された「字幕付き動画ニュース」です。


☆タイトル:新田真剣佑、コミュニケーションは英語のみ|ニュース 動画 News24h


☆公開日:2017-09-18 10:50:34


Nitta seriously, communication is only in English

 俳優の新田真剣佑(20)が18日、都内で行われたジュエリーブランド「Samantha Tiara meets Samantha Thavasa」の新CM発表会に登場した。




Actor Masaru Nitta (20) appeared on the new CM release of the jewelry brand “Samantha Tiara meets Samantha Thavasa” held in Tokyo on 18th.

Seriously Yusuke in CM, with SNS’s next-generation fashion icon and collaborated with Sarah Schneider, a rice model of the topic even in ornate friendships. Sarah was also present at the recital.

It seems that shooting took place at the airport, and the two smiled bitterly saying, “The wind was amazing.”
Seriously Yusu said, “The scene is bright and bright with Sarah’s smile, I explained it to the atmosphere of the scene,” he said.

When asked about the impression of serious sweetness, Sarah said, “I am very friendly and very cool,” and smiled.
Since seriously Yusu grew up in the United States until the age of 17, she revealed that she was communicating with Sarah only in English at the work place, “I touched you with a friendly feeling that I’ve met somewhere. I was happy with the feeling that I returned home. ”

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