字幕付き動画ニュース-Gaza protests continue on US university campuses | BBC News| BBC News

『Gaza protests continue on US university campuses | BBC News| BBC News』は、2024-04-27 15:45:01に、Youtubeで公開された「字幕付き動画ニュース」です。


☆タイトル:Gaza protests continue on US university campuses | BBC News| BBC News

☆投稿者:BBC News

☆公開日:2024-04-27 15:45:01


Protests against the war in Gaza that started at Columbia University a week ago have swept college campuses across the US.

Protesters are calling for universities to boycott companies and individuals with ties to Israel amid the ongoing war there.

The past 10 days have seen the most intense and widespread US protests of the past six months.

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Read more on the BBC News website: https://bbc.in/3JFWMhv

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