字幕付き動画ニュース-Wagner chief tells Russian leaders to send their kids to war and says country ripe for revolution

『Wagner chief tells Russian leaders to send their kids to war and says country ripe for revolution』は、2023-05-25 19:11:53に、Youtubeで公開された「字幕付き動画ニュース」です。


☆タイトル:Wagner chief tells Russian leaders to send their kids to war and says country ripe for revolution

☆投稿者:Channel 4 News

☆公開日:2023-05-25 19:11:53


The head of the private Russian mercenary group, Wagner, has said his troops are handing over the Ukrainian city of Bakhmut to regular Russian forces.

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Last Saturday Yevgeny Prigozhin declared that his soldiers had finally taken what’s left of the ruined city after a punishing battle that’s gone on for months.

But he’s also said that so many Russian troops have been killed, the country is ripe for revolution.
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