ニュースさんが、2017-08-22 09:55:12に公開した『ものを認識?上野の赤ちゃんパンダ最新映像|ニュース 動画 News24h』は、動画ニュースnetがYoutubeから厳選して紹介している動画ニュースです。
☆タイトル:ものを認識?上野の赤ちゃんパンダ最新映像|ニュース 動画 News24h
☆公開日:2017-08-22 09:55:12
Recognize things? Ueno’s baby panda latest picture
The latest picture of the baby at the Ueno Zoo ‘s panda was released.
The giant panda baby got bigger in size and the body examined 70 days after birth weight increased by 746 grams to 3756.4 grams, the body length increased 4 centimeters to 47.9 centimeters. Although
eyes are not yet clearly visible, it seems that it has come to be able to recognize things in front of you because it is making a gesture to move the face left and right. In addition, it is said that the front legs are getting stronger and the body can be raised.
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