ニュースさんが、2017-08-21 14:52:55に公開した『市川由紀乃、25周年迎え結婚にも意欲!?|ニュース 動画 News24h』は、動画ニュースnetがYoutubeから厳選して紹介している動画ニュースです。
☆タイトル:市川由紀乃、25周年迎え結婚にも意欲!?|ニュース 動画 News24h
☆公開日:2017-08-21 14:52:55
Ichikawa Yukino, welcoming 25th anniversary Motivation to marry! What?
Enka singer Ikko Yukino (41) went on a debut 25th anniversary event at a kindergarten in Tokyo on the 21st.
Ikawa, a child lover, gifts to a child for 25 years, 25 meters of sorrowful noodle on this day.
Ichikawa himself came up with a suggestion to the record company, ‘I heard that it is’ Somen ‘when speaking of summer,’ Child ‘because I love children’ and ’25 meters’ on the 25th anniversary … ‘. I came to the year of the
knot and I’d like to challenge various things in the future.
I also want to ‘I want to do’ about marriage, ‘I think I am in my 40s, but I wish I had a relationship, people who like food tastes, people with matching laugh points are good’ . As
somen was two colors of red and white, when I was searched for a mission to ‘red and white singing fight’, he said ‘I did not know until today’ (somen’s color). ‘I thought that everyone of the staff committed my thought and I think I would like to make a mind,’ quietly burning fighting spirit with the expectation of the surroundings.
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