ニュースさんが、2017-08-21 14:55:36に公開した『東方神起 約2年ぶり再始動で互いの愛語る|ニュース 動画 News24h』は、動画ニュースnetがYoutubeから厳選して紹介している動画ニュースです。
☆タイトル:東方神起 約2年ぶり再始動で互いの愛語る|ニュース 動画 News24h
☆公開日:2017-08-21 14:55:36
Tohoshinki told each other’s love in about 2 years’ restart
South Korean dual artist Dong Bang Shin Chang Min (29) and Yoon Ho (31), who had suspended activities due to military service, held a press conference to declare activities resumed in Tokyo on 21th.
This conference took place in Korea, Japan, Hong Kong for 2 days, realized with the hope of TVXQ that ‘they will go to each place and actually want to announce their activities’ they are all together. At the
conference, restarting for the first time in about two years, accompanied by the release of the return memorial album, and the holding of five major domed tours in Japan were announced.
When you go up to the platform, Changmin greets with a nervous look with ‘I returned to society (from military service) and it is the third day.’ Meanwhile, Yoon Ho said, ‘It’s really impressive, it is more pleasant to have done with Changmin than to go alone.’ When asked about each other’s existence from
Chairman, Yun Ho said, ‘I felt that this was not only family apprehension because I was next to it for over 10 years so far, it is not my family,’ Changmin ‘In my family as usual a reliable older brother, I want to say thank you here, I got to know the weight of the importance that keeps me around.When I have to thank you for that, deeper I thought. ‘
Regarding the resumption of activities, Changmin also said, ‘Because I thought that I wanted to be on the stage as soon as possible, so I wanted to see the appearance of fans everywhere with Yun Ho and two people anyway’ ‘I want to show various appearances to the fans soon, but I still need time to grow my hair so please wait a bit for a while’ Do not hesitate to hairstyle himself short because of military service showed.
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