ニュースさんが、2017-08-22 00:24:08に公開した『民進党代表選 前原×枝野 最大の違いは?|ニュース 動画 News24h』は、動画ニュースnetがYoutubeから厳選して紹介している動画ニュースです。
☆タイトル:民進党代表選 前原×枝野 最大の違いは?|ニュース 動画 News24h
☆公開日:2017-08-22 00:24:08
What is the biggest difference between Democratic Progressive Party Selection Maebara and Edano?
Two candidates for the Democratic Progressive Party election are thoroughly discussed in the studio!
What sort of representatives are needed to regenerate the party while support for the Democratic Progressive Party does not increase? A secret strategy to counter Abe Liberal Democratic Party. Is there any cooperation with the Koike Shinpa party? What is the perception of raising the consumption tax rate and the stance to the opposition party battle that will be the biggest issue? Ask
candidate Seiji Maehara and candidate Yukio Edano question the resolution to the representative election!
* BS Nitere ‘Deep Layer NEWS’ From August 21 broadcasting minutes. Please see the video for details.
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