ニュースさんが、2017-08-21 23:54:22に公開した『99年ぶり“大陸横断”皆既日食に全米沸く|ニュース 動画 News24h』は、動画ニュースnetがYoutubeから厳選して紹介している動画ニュースです。
☆タイトル:99年ぶり“大陸横断”皆既日食に全米沸く|ニュース 動画 News24h
☆公開日:2017-08-21 23:54:22
After 99 years “crossing the continent” boils nationwide in a total solar eclipse
A ‘total solar eclipse’ was observed in the United States from 2 p.m. on 22nd Japan time. It is characterized by traversing from the west coast to the east coast, and the nationwide boiled at the astronomy show which was the first in 99 years.
Total solar eclipse is the state where the sun and the moon, the earth aligned, the sun completely hidden in the shadow of the moon. Jackson Wyoming gathers from all over the world and immediately before the total solar eclipse, the ‘diamond ring’ that the sun hidden behind the moon shines like a ring has appeared. In this place, the total solar eclipse lasted about 2 minutes 15 seconds, but despite the daytime, one side was surrounded by darkness. The first time in 99 years that the
total solar eclipse crosses the continent from the west to the east of the United States. Even in Japan, a total solar eclipse is observed in 2009 before 8 years ago, but next time it will be seen in 2035.
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